Friday, September 18, 2009


I started formally 2 days ago using the Law of Attraction for healing my leg. If your not sure what I am referring to go to and watch the movie. It will be truly the most life changing experience you can imagine. I have used the Secret in the past to fix my back injury when doctors have given up on me and to get me off of heavy amount of pain pills and varoius other pills. After approx 3 years of back injury with nothing working that the doctors could do my mom used the secret and found me a book 3 Minutes to a Pain Free Life. I used the stretches in the book and on the 4th day I woke up with zero pain. First time in 3 years! Now the task of no pills. That took little bit more time but after I truly beleived in The Secret I was off pills in 7 days with no withdrawls. I spent 4 months before this time just sick all the time trying to reduce but wasnt working. The power of gratitude is amazing!
All my research I can find on the Internet states that I have minimum 3 months, or longer before I can resume normal activitys. I feel with allmy heart that it will be 2 months or less and using the law of attraction, I will accomplish it.
It's been 18 days since my leap at the thunderdome and I have made some really good progress towards my healing. I can sit in a chair with my knee bent with very little discomfort, sleep on both sides instead of just flat on my back. The pain medicine is no longer needed on regular intervals. Example is I took one 5mg oxy yesterday and could have skipped that all together. I took it for precautionary measures. I had to drive 30 minutes, sit in chair for hour that was very uncomfortable last visit week before and drive home. Just for people that think its not safe to drive on oxy I have the time table down for my body. 40 minutes before it kicks in and 90 minutes and its pretty much over which matches my drive sober and out of me before I drive again.
Off to do my strecthes and watch the movie The Secret.

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